NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

When on github, you have to change the branch to “waveworks”

Did you use the WaveWorks folder from Nvidia Github? is the correct link: /NvPhysX/UnrealEngine/tree/WaveWorks

It failed to compile for me though. error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘gfsdk_waveworks.win64.lib’ D:\UE_Nvidia\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\LINK

Did you add in the Lib file from the previous page? uplaoded it to the forums to get around that error. :slight_smile:

It’s right : https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?53735-NVIDIA-Gameworks-integration-REQUEST-QUESTION&p=197660&viewfull=1#post197660

Thank you very much ! It works!! :smiley:

@: Any ETA on VXGI in UE4? I bought a 980 recently hoping to test VXGI in UE4 :smiley:

Coming in January, stay tuned.

WOOOOOWW!!! THANKS EPIC & NVIDIA!! :smiley: :smiley:

is amazing news, Any plans to add the fluid that were in borderlands?
In video you can see the awesomeness of the blood and liquidshttps://youtube/watch?v=GwpapzBQCo4

The VXGI work with the 700 series ? 780GTX ?
If work, how many fps get with UE4 in a normal 780GTX (no TI) ?

Haha. These fluids looks even better than VXGI (lol I say that).
I can only imagine magic spells which could be done by it and mixing it with dynamic vector fields :D.

Agreed, magic would also be with flex particles (about 1 minute in)
Who cares about AMD cards after seeing these videos, nvidias tech is the future!

I agree guys, simple plane based particles are around for far too long.

@: Could you give us a list of exactly which parts of GameWorks will be integrated? Would be nice to have an overview of what to expect.

VXGI only works on 900 series GPU’s. See : ://www.geforce/hardware/technology/vxgi/supported-gpus

Also, I have a question about portability to other gpu’s. Will those features be implemented in a way allowing to choose if you want to use the gpu or the cpu? Even if the cpu would have terrible performance. It would let us make games, which work epicly on NVIDIA’s , and fairly well on AMD’s.

is what listed so far on the previous page:

I can’t wait for all to be integrated, interested to hear what the “other things” will be as well! :smiley:

Officially it is only the 9xx series (as pointed out) however I had heard that it could *potentially work all the way back to the 6xx series. The Apollo moon landing demo runs great on my 980, but I heard some say the performance wasn’t as good on a 970, so take that into consideration when I say it could work on a 6xx series. In reality I don’t think it would run at all on a 6xx card unless it’s an empty scene at 10fps. :wink:

I’d be interested to hear 's take on though since there is some conflicting reports on , but for now think of VXGI as a 9xx series exclusive .

Then if is only for series 9xx will be useless to release public games until 2017-2019 (only for internal use or tests or demos or architecture) because you can’t release a game with a minimum specs of a Nvidia 980GTX to get 50FPS.

You did see gameworks running in borderlands in the videos and that game doesnt require a 9xx series

Dont forget about the days of crysis&crysis 2, games that would require top hardware and gave you a reason to have a great gpu, the 900 series is overkill for most games its time to bring back the days of hardcore PC gaming

By the time many of us finish a project in 2 years 900 series power could be the minimum requirements for these features

The smoke particles are amazing.

I don’t think VXGI is intended to be a minimum-spec . You can run VXGI as an optional lighting model for latest-generation cards. It is a designed for the ‘’ architecture, hence the 9xx.

Right! Minimum spec for the **, and recommended spec for the game.

I for one am extremely excited for . The more “tech” UE4 has, the more things we can create. YAY !! Thanks Epic and Nvidia.

P.S. Really glad I bought my GTX970 2 weeks ago :smiley: