May #UE4JAM Submission Thread

Abyss Rush

Download Here

Team Name

Team Members
Kuegler (TrinityGER)
Franklin Iheanacho (LordIheanacho)
Landon Peters


How fast and how deep can you reach with your drop pod shuttle? In this game, Depth & Speed are the key!

Additional Info
Copyright - Water shader from his Ocean Project

There was meant to be more added which we actually have done but due to the time schedule, we were not able to have it setup on time so we had to fallback from using them for the while. Eventually this game will be updated to it’s fullest after some bug tweaking and such.



Dig’em Up (Windows 64 version)

Team Name : Cloth Cap Games
Team Members : Looniper, Hornsbuck, Trazjem, LLuv
Submission Name : Dig’em Up

Description : INCOMPLETE (but working) - An alien race has decided to evict you by ‘Planting’ themselves in your back yard.

Movement is standard.
Place Harvesters on the buried ‘eggs’ to gather Matter, and pick up gyros for Power while avoiding the hatched aliens.
With 5000 of each you can place a Teleport tube which traps nearby aliens and sends them home. (the scoring goal - and the “Must come up” part of the theme)

Note : The hovering “terminator” construct was not completed in time, nor was the solar power collector - and while the game keeps score, it does not display any.
The ‘training’ stage, volume slider, and screen settings were worked on but not finished in time either.

– Edit : Forgot to list 3rd party content.

Unreal Engine 4 - Sparks and Fire emitters, sparks and explosion sound.
(they were placeholders like much other starter-content, but replacements were not ready by the submission deadline)


From sick minds of Perforce Jockeys, comes the much anticipated Virtual world of " Bounce" Save the cats as they are flung by Esmeralda, the insane cat lady. Redirect them with your hand held trampoline into the safety of awaiting bales of hay.

Game link:

Team: Perforce Jonkeys
Team Members: Bananaking932, SterlingY
Game Title: Bounce

*note VR game requires Vive set to Room Space


-Push left touch button on the left controller to start game
-Right Controller Trigger to grab trampoline
-When game ends, push down touch button on the left controller to restart

Team Game Submission


We used some materials from the starter content (concrete tiles, cobble and bricks) and water from the ‘water planes’ template. All of them we manipulated in our own way though.

«BioComputed» Submission: “UltimateElevatorLift”

(*Explosions not provided in this build)

Team name : « BioComputed »
List of team members : ,
Name of your submission : BioComputed_UltimateElevatorLift

Number of players : 2. First player uses keyboard and mouse, the second one uses a controller.

Description : For a mysterious reason, you have to get on the top of this huge building first! Use the elevator! Be careful though, it seems to be a little broken… Be the faster to fix your elevator and get to the top !

In the current state, it’s not really functional, you can’t fix the elevator failures.
You can only press right click (or A button on controller) to decrement failures has they arrived.

(Ideally you would have to take broken parts and get them in place, but it doesn’t work.)

What we wanted to do was to make a looooot of breakdowns. But we didn’t have enough of time.
This game intended to have (but way too ambitious for the time we had):

  • Bonuses at basement floors (like robots at the lower level to automatically fix you elevator)
  • Events at each floor (functionnal elevator doors) to help you or not
  • A tablet to:
  • ->Have the ability to fix outside faillures
  • ->Hack your opponent’s elevator
  • Little cutscenes
  • (Better graphics)

Control Scheme:

  • ZQSD: Move
  • Left Click: Grip [NOT WORKING] (would have been needed to fix)
  • Right Click: Interact -> Reducing the failure of the elevator hit by the trace (would have been needed to fix)
  • Tab: Invoke tablet [NOT WORKING]


  • Left Stick: Move
  • Right Trigger: Grip [NOT WORKING] (would have been needed to fix)
  • A Button (Gamepad Face Button Bottom): Interact -> Reducing the failure of the elevator hit by the trace (would have been needed to fix)
  • Y Button (Gamepad face Button Top): Invoke tablet [NOT WORKING]

Warning: Retry Button at end of the may game crashes the game, it seems it breaks the game though.

Difficulties : The major problem we had was to have a working controller, (since we don’t have any xbox ones).
We had spend many hours testing/hacking PS2, PS3, and Steam Controller but we finally figured to connect the Steam Controller for the second player by launching the Epic Games Launcher hence the Editor through Steam’s BigPicture.
I also had a hard time making the C++ and Blueprint parts because Blueprint system is runtime and C++ is compiled, but you guys at Epic have set wonderful and useful tools. Thanks. :smiley:
We also had issues packaging the game as I was using a method which only works in development builds (AKA GetActorLabel() & SetActorLabel() ).

All elevator meshes are original hand-made. Here’s the list of the other assets used.
Assets and tech used:

Download LINK:
Also uploaded here: (btw sorry for the trouble Cel)
(Our uplink is only: 800 kb/s (~100 KB/s) so it takes a while to upload the 700 MB entry.)

A functional build with fixing system working may be released at a later date.

Team name:

List of team members:
Kodi Mynatt, Paine, Jens Roth

Game Name:
Crabbiest Crabs

Feed the inhabitants of a small island by providing them with fresh crabs

How to play:
Bottom left shows how many traps you have available,
left click near a crab hotspot (sonar) to place a trap, to place multiple traps keep enough distance between them.

To collect a trap click and hold the left mouse button and let go when the circle reaches the center.
Bring the crabs to the dock (green circle) before the people on the island starve.

how long can you survive?

This game features an online leaderboard, enable network access to compete.

UPDATE: Fixed a few bugs

**Download: **

BTW: The crab population is actually simulated, leave enough crabs at one spot and they will reproduce
overfish and they will die.

Third Party Assets used:

Game Music: Marimba Boy.wav by DL Sounds

-BoatHornSam by nathanprtll
-BookDrop by JasonElrod

Universal Sound FX Pack

everything else was created by us for this jam


Team Name: Flying Bison Studios
**Game Name:**Catacrony!
Team Members: Myself(The_Shane), FlyingBison
Game Link(Pending Build…Lighting is taking forever…):
Note: Lighting is still messed up after over two hours of tinkering/rebuilding… While in “Meat-cannon” mode,it’ll be much more enjoyable in third person. There is currently no bonus for maximum speed achieved, either.
**Tips:**For those having trouble getting past the second level’s seemingly impossible point requirements, make use of the (poorly lighted) fans to increase your airtime. While the fans themselves are somewhat difficult to see, the smoke streams they’re emitting are fairly visible from most perspectives- Head towards those! There are 6 levels total, each of which employs a different combination of mechanics and is very much beatable.

Screenshots upcoming!

Cold War by tall ship studio

Game by

Download Link

Assets used were sound assets, and are listed in the Credits screen. - Markus

The Laws of PhysiX

The Download link :
The game with some tweak(recommeded) :
Made by: Qc Guy (3 persons)
Controls : WASD + Mouse

Team members:
Étienne Collard : programer
Julien-Dany Hamel : programer
Cédrick Carrier : programer artist

The game concept is to reach the highest in the sky with a rocket.
By upgrading your rocket and by catching some power-up on your way
as well as dodging power-down and some obstacle you can reach the space.

Taylor (Design), Josh Upton (Asset Creation)

Gravity re-written? Check! Walk-able floors override? Check! Rotational linear interpolation driven by the absolute value of your Z distance to the gravity plane? Check! Pick up boxes and random macaroni? Check!

Grass: Procedural Nature Pack (Market Place)
Terrain Material: GT_Free_Materials (Market Place)
All other assets developed by Josh Upton or from engine content.
Team name: Od1n
Members: cartboard_box, VRLtqq
Name of submission: Od1n_DontEnterTheDungeon

Description/How to play:
It is a side scroller, press A/D to go left/right, W or Space to jump, left click to attack. If you break something press Ctrl-R to restart the level. Esc is instant exit. Go left and crush your enemies (or run from them). Try not to fall down, your armor and shield protect you from any damage but if you fall then you’ll have to climb up again.

Unfortunately we only had one day this time to work on the game so we didn’t manage to do everything we planned, but here is it anyway. We decided to go for original content, there is no pre-made or sourced assets in the game apart from some of the animations that we got from .

What’s up, block?

Hello fellow jammers!

Submission: What’s up, block?

Team members: (solo)
Art: There isn’t really any art since I made it all using basic cube assets that come with the engine! Sound FX from

“What’s up, block?” is a puzzle game about getting your little block to his spinning counterpart. In his world, you can push other blocks down for him, but not up! However, you can flip upside-down and push down, from the bottom. So what you push down, is also pushing up. Good luck! (Due to a strange bug that plagued me most of today, I was unable to make as many levels as I originally intended. I even have a bunch crafted on paper but it kept breaking for some reason. RIP speedy coding! :frowning: )


(it’s easiest with a controller!)
move character: WASD / left stick
move selection block: Arrow keys / right stick
Push block down: Space bar / Right/Left triggers.
Flip: E / bottom face button (A on xbox)
Reset level: R / top face button (Y on xbox)
Menu: Esc / Start


Download link:

****** KNOWN BUG ******
*If you are pushing “up” on a block while the character is resting on top of it, it will sometimes overlap with the character cube instead of pushing it up. (This happens because the line trace logic that pushes the character up does not account for the fact the character is smaller than the world cubes)

  • FIX: *
    Make sure your character cube is overlapping the center of any of the cubes in the block you are pushing up.

Chunderman - by TheBaneOfBris

Initially, we were thinking of a gravity inspired game… but then the idea of vomitting left a sour taste in our mouth, so it stuck!

Hope you enjoy guys! Here’s the download link.

A revolting game with completely original assets by TheBaneOfBris:



Target Attack - By Head Farmers

Team members

HTC Vive required!

Select a difficulty by overlapping the desired button and press the trigger or grip button. Once the game starts, grab the question mark objects and toss them into the pit to get started! Grab, throw and hit the shapes at the correct target for points, get the highest score possible!


Note: All assets and programming was done by the team, no outside sources were used in this game build.



Team Name:
**Team:**Just me!

WASD or Gamepad joystick left to move around
R to restart a level
ESC to quit
Whatever move you make, your mirror will mirror so what comes up must go down!
11 Levels so i hope you savour them all! There’s no music because I couldn’t get a constant audio track working.



Hi, our game is called Flooritorium, and it is a room-scale VR demo (SteamVR: HTC Vive is target platform) where you attempt to complete daily household tasks while standing on your ceiling.
Gravity continues to pull things other than yourself towards the floor, and you must fight the challenges of your long-earned downward intuition in order to save the day and keep your life totally normal.
Except, you’re still living on the ceiling.

Enjoy, it’s highly NOT polished, but I’ll leave this version here from now on. Let us know if you think this is worth pursuing further.

Every part of every asset is locally grown and organic, and was made in house over the last two days. Everything except for the public domain banana model.

Link for Download


  • Triggers on either hand: Grab Stuff
  • Touch pads on either hand (click!): Teleport Elsewhere on the Ceiling
  • That’s basically it, go touch things! HINT: Try doing what feels natural…

I love the look of this game great effects!