Localization don't work on dynamic string table loaded from csv


Thank you for your answer! I don’t use LOCTABLE_FROMFILE_GAME because I cannot pass variable as macro parameter. Instead of I’m using exactly same code as macro is.

FStringTableRegistry::Get().Internal_LocTableFromFile(*Line, Line, csvFile, FPaths::GameDir());

I create csv file list dynamically outside of Visual Studio and need to use variable. Every String Tables loading correct and I can use then in editor or in game.

So If GatherText commandlet looking for LOCTABLE_FROMFILE_GAME, how to use variable for it ?

Or what is the other way to load dynamically created list of csv files ?

void FImportCsvInGamePlugin::LoadAllStringTables ()
	FString dirGeneratedStringTables = "Content/Localization/StringTables/";

	// Find and load CSV file
	FString StringTableListFile = FPaths::GameDir() + *dirGeneratedStringTables + "StringTableList.txt";
	TArray<FString> * StringTableList = LoadStringTableFilesList(StringTableListFile);

	for (int i = 1; i < StringTableList->Num(); i++)	// pass over first line
		FString Line = (*StringTableList)[i];
		FString csvFile = dirGeneratedStringTables + *((*StringTableList)[i]) + ".csv";

		//LOCTABLE_FROMFILE_GAME("aaa", kaka, "../Localization/Generated/STestStringTable.csv");
		FStringTableRegistry::Get().Internal_LocTableFromFile(*Line, Line, csvFile, FPaths::GameDir());		

TArray * FImportCsvInGamePlugin::LoadStringTableFilesList (FString FNameFullPath)
	TArray<FString> * FileContent = new TArray<FString>;
	if (FPaths::FileExists(FNameFullPath))
		FFileHelper::LoadANSITextFileToStrings(*FNameFullPath, NULL, *FileContent);  // load on line per array element
		return FileContent;
	} else {
		return nullptr;