Dynamic gravity for characters


I had to make a local change to get smooth movement on the player for our project. Using a (quite big) spherical world seems to make the delta between old-new gravity directions too big to get a smooth transition .

Therefor I had to disable the return statement in ninjacharacter.cpp (which sets the control rotation).

Also added a rotator lerp in the movementcomponent (that still has the return statement a few lines prior).

Do you think will have a huge impact on performance eventually? If so, what would you recommend to smoothen out the (rotational)movement? Using camera lag smoothens it out a little, but not entirely (and we rather don’t have much lag on the camera)

NinjaCharacter.cpp line 223:


NinjaCharacterMovementComponent.cpp line 5380:

// Abort if angle between new and old capsule 'up' axes almost equals to 0 degrees
if ((DesiredCapsuleUp | CurrentCapsuleUp) >= THRESH_NORMALS_ARE_PARALLEL)

//// Take desired Z rotation axis of capsule, try to keep current X rotation axis of capsule
const FRotator NewRotation = FNinjaMath::MakeFromZQuat(DesiredCapsuleUp,
**const FRotator CurrentRotation = FNinjaMath::MakeFromZQuat(CurrentCapsuleUp,

if (!bRotateAroundCenter)
     float PawnRadius, PawnHalfHeight;
     CharacterOwner->GetCapsuleComponent()->GetScaledCapsuleSize(PawnRadius, PawnHalfHeight);

     // Rotate capsule around the origin of the bottom sphere
     const float SphereHeight = PawnHalfHeight - PawnRadius;
     const FVector Delta = CurrentCapsuleUp * (SphereHeight * -1.0f) + DesiredCapsuleUp * SphereHeight;

     **FRotator RotationLerp = UKismetMathLibrary::RInterpTo(CurrentRotation, NewRotation, GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds(), 4.0f);**

     // Not using MoveUpdatedComponent to bypass constraints
     UpdatedComponent->MoveComponent(Delta, **RotationLerp**, true);

nonetheless, nice work on the update!! Especially the new debug options are really useful!